
www.worldofwarcraft.comEmergency Update: Servers Drying Out - Block on 09/19/04
Enough electrical power is now available at the Virginia datacenter for us to analyze the extent of any damage that might have occurred as a result of the direct tornado hit Friday night, but the hardware is not yet dry enough to be powered up. The good news is that there's a possibility that we will be able to begin carefully powering up and testing the hardware late this evening. Our on-site team of network engineers is working around the clock on the situation, and we will be posting another update here for everyone tomorrow afternoon. The pictures linked to below give a general impression of the damage sustained by the building housing our servers.
The US World of Warcraft beta test will remain offline for the remainder of Sunday and into Monday, and possibly longer. As soon as we have an estimate on when we will be able to restore service, we'll share that information here. Our thanks go out again for your continued patience and support.

Гворя проще электричество тока дали, все промокло, ничего не работает - бета-тест в ауте... И все благодаря торнадо (если не ошибаюсь ето торнадо звали Иван -вот что значит хай-левел Папа
). Сегдня вечерком в Вирджинии планируют немного потестить промокшие до нитки компы, но оптимистичных прогнозов пока не дают. Сервера в ДАУНЕ

ЗЫ: Ну во общем то не новость уже, но у нас (на Варкрае) еще вроде не описано... Ждем... Надеемся, что это не станет поводом отложить релиз до лета